Wednesday, April 9, 2008

More than a month is unacceptable...


So, my god damn project has officially died. Things broke off with the boy on right after I finished with the move. I've been finding the silver lining of things lately, and trying to be grown up about it. I never thought I would be grown up!

I keep completely horrible track of my FOs, so I will leave you with my WIPs. ;)

- Star baby blanket for Roy & Jessica's soon-to-be newbie
- R2D2 hat for the new roomie
- R2D2 hat for Kev
- Autobot wall hanging for Mar

All of these podcasts have got me really interested in learning how to knit socks. Not to mention the 2 skeins of bamboo silk sock yarn my mom sent over. I've decided that until I finish these 4 projects I will not be making anything for myself, or learning how to do socks.

I miss being monogamous with my projects. I know 4 isn't a lot for a lot of crafters out there, but for me, it's left me scatter brained.

In non-crafty news, the move is done, the unpacking is not. I just can't get thru unpacking before I get distracted, by my projects, laptop, scanning photos, tv, etc. Maybe I'll get it done this weekend. Canyon Country has treated me nicely so far, the wind has been howling around my window making some magical background noise.

I finally got up to Lancaster to meet with some girls in TFC, and see J. Depending on what's going on with friends' birthdays weekend after next, I might end up back up there for the Poppy Festival. I'm also thinking about heading down to RF in Monrovia, and going to the Poxy Boggards show afterwards on the 26th.